Welcome to the Multicultural Connect! A gathering of multicultural information for residents living in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York area and beyond. Several goals are intended for this useful blog:
* To serve as a resource to keep current on information regarding English language learning as well as learning other world languages.
* To share information to newcomers to our country and our community.
* And to learn what organizations have been doing to help serve diverse communities.

Monday, February 4, 2013

English Teacher Melanie

Intermediate and advanced ELL's can further develop and expand their English vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and reading skills using this useful website http://www.englishteachermelanie.comMelanie, a Canadian TESL-certified English teacher, teaches American English grammar and pronunciation.  English Teacher Melanie has done a fabulous job using available social web resources and provides lessons in a variety of formats.  There is a link to her podcast on her blog, helping ELL's develop key listening language skills.  She also has produced videos to help strengthen English pronunciation skills.

You can also "Like" her on Facebook, "Follow" her on Twitter, and "Subscribe" to her YouTube.  I highly recommend this well designed easy to navigate site to students learning English.

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